6-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of structures, processes, and
responses of plants that allow them to survive and reproduce.

Key Concepts:
Organism characteristics: stimulus, response, asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction, growth, development, Taxonomy: kingdoms, species, scientific name  Plant Classification: vascular, nonvascular, seed-producing, spore-producing flowering, conebearing, monocot or dicot plants,  Plant structures: flowering plant, flower, Life Cycle: germination, plant development, pollination, fertilization, seed production, Plant processes: photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration
Fungi: plant diseases

Supporting Content Web Sites
Living and Non-living Things
This website helps students to increase their understanding of living and nonliving
organisms and the characteristics of life. (6-2.1)

Science Online
This website identifies the characteristics that enable a specific plant and/or animal tosurvive. (6-2.1)

The Six Kingdoms
This website discusses the six kingdoms. (6-2.2)

Classifying Critters
This website allows students match critters based on physical features using multiple-choice format. (6-2.2)

Taxonomy, Systematics and Classification
This website provides information on the naming and classification of organisms. (6-2.2)

The Plant Kingdom
This website describes the characteristics of the four types of plant structures. (6-2.3)

Parts of a Flower
This interactive website will allow to learn the parts of a flower by playing the game. On successful completion, the diagram will be in color. (6-2.4; 6-2.5; 6-2.6)

This website offers an introduction to plants. Topics include basic structure, xylem-phloem, reproduction, angiosperm and gymnosperm. (6-2.4; 6-2.5; 6-2.6)

 Photosynthesis and Transpiration
This website discusses the process of photosynthesis and transpiration. The diagrams can be enlarged for easy viewing. (6-2.7)

 Plants in Motion
This website uses time-lapse photography to show tropic responses in plants. (6-2.8)

 6-3 Students will demonstrate an understanding of structures, processes, and responses of animals that allow them to survive and reproduce.(Life Science)

Key Concepts:
Invertebrates: sponges, segmented worms, echinoderms, mollusks, arthropods  Vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals  Structures: for defense, movement, obtaining resources, camouflage, adaptations, mimicry  Internal temperature: Endothermic (warm-blooded), ectothermic (cold-blooded), Behavioral responses to stimuli: migration, hibernation, defense mechanisms, courtship  Internal stimuli: hunger, thirst, sleep  Learned – Inherited Behaviors: instinct

S u pporting Content Web Sites
Animal Characteristics
This website compares the structures of vertebrate and invertebrate animals. (6-3.1)

Animal Diversity Web
This website provides information on animal history, classification, sounds, and pictures. (6-3.1)

Blue Planet Biomes
This website features pictures and facts about animals living in various biomes. (6-3.2)

What’s It Like Where You Live?
This website features pictures and facts about animals living in various biomes. (6-3.2)

Warm and Cold-Blooded
This website discusses how warm and cold-blooded animals respond to their environment.  Infrared pictures are also displayed to show how the animals’ body temperature responds to the environment. (6-3.3)

Body Temperature
This website provides information on how warm and cold-blooded animals respond to their environment. (6-3.3)

Activity in a Changing Climate
This website discusses how animals adapt to a changing climate. (6-3.4)

Animals on Defense
This website shows the different ways humans and animal survive. (6-3.2; 6-3.5)

Backyard Animals
This website provides information about animals commonly found North America. Pictures are also included. (6-3.2; 6-3.5)

Creature Feature
This website provides information on a variety of animals. Photographs, video, audio, fun facts, and links to other animal resources are included as well. (6-3.2, 6-3.5; 6-3.6)

6-4 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between Earth’s atmospheric properties and processes and its weather and climate.(Earth Science)

Key Concepts:
Atmospheric layers: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere; Air pressure; Water cycle: precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, condensation, surface-water flow, groundwater flow; Clouds: cumulus, cirrus, stratus; cumulonimbus, fog Air movement: air masses, fronts, low pressure system, high pressure system; Storms: thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes; Weather tools: wind speed-anemometer, wind direction-wind vane, air temperaturethermometer,
humidity-sling psychrometer, air pressure-barometer; Weather prediction: meteorologist, weather map, station model, isobar, isotherm, satellites,radar; Solar energy: greenhouse effect; Convection: tropical, temperate, polar convection regions, land and sea breezes, warm and cold ocean surface currents, climate; Global winds: trade winds, westerly winds, polar winds; Jet stream

Supporting Web Content
Windows To The Universe: Layers of the Earth’s Atmosphere
Diagrams and text are used in this website to explain the five layers of the Earth’s Atmosphere (6-4.1)

NOAA- Jetstream-An Online School for Weather Layers of the Atmosphere
Using diagrams and text, this website explains the layers of the Atmosphere (6-4.1)

The Water Cycle
This interactive website uses diagrams and text to explain the stages of the water cycle. From home-page go to “kids zone”. (6-4.2)

Environmental Agency
Water Cycle- Walter Droplet Explains the Water Cycle
Through animations with sound this website explains the states of the water cycle. (6-4.2)

University of Illinois
Cloud Types
Using photos and text, this website would be an excellent teaching tool to help students classify clouds. (6-4.3)

NOAA- Jetstream- An Online School for Weather
Air Masses & Fronts
This website would be useful in teaching the basic characteristics of air masses and front. (6-4.4)

The Weather Channel
This site provides current weather maps of the United States and local forecasts. It also provides hurricane tracking. (6-4.6)

6-5 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the law of conservation of energy and the properties of energy and work.(Physical Science)

Key Concepts
Sources and properties of types of energy: heat, solar, chemical, mechanical, electrical  Types of mechanical energy: potential and kinetic energy  Energy transformation: law of conservation of energy  Interrelationship of electricity and magnetism: electromagnets, generators, simple electric motors  Energy transformation in electric circuits: light, sound, heat, mechanical motion,  Heat energy transfer: convection, radiation, conduction  Energy = Work= force exerted over distance  Simple machines: levers, pulleys, inclined planes; common tools, complex machines

Supporting Content Websites
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Different kinds of energy have different advantages. Some are cheap, some are safer for the environment, and some are very efficient. Usually, though, you can’t get all three. In this game, your job is to provide power for a gigantic city. But you need to do it without running out of money or ruining the environment. (6-5.1, 6-5.3, 6-5.4)

This website gives students the opportunity to experiment with forces. An online quiz assesses basic concepts about forces. (6-5.6)

California Energy Commission
This website provides numerous resources about types of energy and energy conservation. It
includes teacher and parent resources, puzzles, games and energy stories. (6-5.1, 6-5.2, 6-5.3, 6-5.4)

Simple Machines
This website contains a variety of interactive activities about Simple Machines. Explore a house and a tool shed to discover simple machines. (6-5.8)

Think Quest
This webquest is designed to explore conductors and insulators, series and parallel circuits, electric charge, electrical current, electrical safety, electrical power and fossil fuels. (6-5.1, 6-5.2, 6-5.3, 6-5.4)

This site contains several links to a variety of websites about electricity. It also includes activities and lesson plans. (6-5.1, 6-5.2, 6-5.3, 6-5.4)

This an exemplary Intel Teach to the Future Unit in which students study the concepts of force, motion, and work as they analyze simple machines. They study the simple machines in complex machines, and track the transfer of force from input (effort) to output (work). In a design challenge, students become inventors and identify work they want to perform, and invent a laborsaving machine to do the job. The design steps of planning, drafting, construction, troubleshooting, and reliability testing are followed before students unveil their wonderful inventions to an awed crowd. (6-5.6, 6-5.7, 6-5.8)

National Energy Education Development Project
This site contains information about forms of energy, conservation of energy, and energy efficiency.  (6-5.1, 6-5.2, 6-5.4)

The website discusses different types of energy, potential and kinetic energy and conservation of energy. The energy crisis is described as well as alternative sources of energy. (6-5.1, 6-5.2, 6-5.4)